The move toward hybrid working means that the modern workplace is no longer a single, easy-to-secure location. Users can be working anywhere, with an increased chance of visual hacking. Owners of the MacBook Pro 16"" require a privacy screen filter that can be quickly attached and detached, allowing the laptop to close completely to enter sleep mode. The MagPro™ Elite Magnetic Privacy Screen Filter attaches seamlessly to the MacBook Pro’s magnetic frame, requiring no inconvenient adhesives. Allowing the device to close completely, the screen filter narrows the viewing angle to ±30°, limiting the chance of unauthorised viewing and reducing harmful blue light and glare. Privacy screen filter seemlessly attaches to the MacBook Pro's frame with magnets and can be easily detached. No inconvenient and potentially damaging adhesives required. Even with the privacy screen filter attached, the MacBook Pro can close completely to enter sleep mode. Limited viewing ang